Released in 2011, "Occupation" is the first comprehensive publication on Allied Works, spanning the first 16 years of the studio's practice. The book is an in-depth exploration of the buildings and ideas of Allied Works, as well as a forum for conversations with diverse thinkers and makers that consider the role of creative practice.
The book features a suite of essays by Kenneth Frampton, Sandy Isenstadt and Brad Cloepfil, along with one-on-one conversations with design leaders, colleagues and past collaborators, including: Ann Hamilton, Ben Rubin, Jan Tichelaar, Doug Aitken, Mark Taylor, Doug Reed, and Eric Sanderson.
In addition, a series of new, commissioned site and landscape photographs by Victoria Sambunaris serve as a preface to each project and a visual conversation about the power of place. Eleven projects are featured, ranging from Allied Works founding Sitings Project to a first glimpse at the National Music Centre of Canada. A complete bibliography and catalogue raisoneé are also included.
The book was designed in partnership with Lorraine Wild and her team at Green Dragon office in Los Angeles, and published by New York-based Gregory Miller Books, and distributed by D.A.P. / Distinguished Art Publishers.